Campaign #LoveYourLungs supporting Colombia Without Asbestos March 19. (1st call)

Why do you see this photo? My wife Ana Cecilia Niño Robles QEPD., Recently died due to a pleural cancer called mesothelioma, which was caused by breathing asbestos in her childhood. She wanted Colombia and Latin America to ban asbestos to protect the lives of others, this is a worldwide campaign to tell the Colombian government to ban the use of asbestos and prevent other people from getting sick.

DESCRIPTION: You can support us if you take a symbolic photo, embracing the lungs of the little ones, those who are not yet born, to tell them that you love them and try to do something for a purer air for them. Ideally on a walk with your family or friends, in the middle of the forest, on a mountain or wherever you want, next March 19, 2017. Remember to smile! Because it is a campaign for those who come.

INVITATION: I invite you to participate in the organization of the campaign that seeks to embrace the lungs of our children, our nephews, our grandchildren, the unborn. To tell them that we are trying to do something for the rulers to take action so that they have a purer, more breathable, healthier air, an air without toxic asbestos. You can help us in three ways: Basic support, advanced support and maximum support.

BASIC SUPPORT: All you have to do is take a picture like the one attached to this message, with a white T-shirt, and upload it to your networks, share it with your contacts, writing the reason why you embrace the lungs of those who come and using the hashtag: #LoveYourLungs & #ColombiaSinAsbesto.

STRONG SUPPORT : Thank you for reading here ;) The advanced support consists of complying with basic support, in addition to labeling the president @JuanManSantos to the @CIDH, to other decision makers @claralopezobre @ SOFIAGAVIRIAC @ senadorsoto @SenadorEdinson @AlvaroUribeVel and write to President to the mail telling him to attend to the subject of asbestos in Colombia. (Recently the presidency of Colombia denied petition # EP1151705 to talk to him. Link:

MAXIMUM SUPPORT: Thank you very much for reading here! ;) We need leaders who want to help organize the taking and uploading of images, advise and accompany those who join the walks, depending on the number of cities that we have connected on March 19. If you want to give us your maximum support please write to with subject: maximum support!

MAIN GOAL. The main objective of this campaign is to call on governments and the international community from the positive point of view. Demanding the prohibition of asbestos and showing that the love for those who are not yet born can be greater than any economic interest.

PLACE: Main cities of the world and from any place that has trees, ideal if you can meet in a walk with your family on March 19th with support points in Germany (City to be confirmed), Belgium, Spain (City to be confirmed), Francia (Paris), USA (New York), Canada (Calgary) and Colombia (Bogotá "sendero quebrada la vieja" and Duitama Sendero Raizal ) for now.

A pure hug for all! Cool just like the air we want!

Daniel Pineda González

Facebook group. Colombia Without Asbestos
Fundación Ana Cecilia Niño:
Inextinguible (proyect documentary film)
Signatures Colombia:
Signatures Latinoamerica:


  1. Hola! El link en español parece estar pinchado... El 19 de marzo nuestro apoyo se difundirá! Colombia y sus autoridades deben escucharnos


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